Voir tous les livres de William T. VOLLMANN

William T. VOLLMANN - Livres et biographie

William T. Vollmann is the author of seven novels, three collections of stories, and a seven-volume critique of violence, Rising Up and Rising Down. He is also the author of Poor People, a worldwide examination of poverty through the eyes of the impoverished themselves; Riding Toward Everywhere, an examination of the train-hopping hobo lifestyle; and Imperial, a panoramic look at one of the poorest areas in America. He has won the PEN Center USA West Award for Fiction, a Shiva Naipaul Memorial Prize and a Whiting Writers' Award. His journalism and fiction have been published in The New Yorker, Esquire, Spin and Granta. Vollmann lives in Sacramento, California.

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Christophe Colomb n'était pas le premier...La saga islandaise de Vollmann. Nous sommes au Xe siècle de notre ère. Une longue lignée de rois vikings s'apprête à franchir les océans de glace qui les séparent d'une terre mythique : le Vinland, sésame de tous les fantasmes dont l'Amérique... Voir plus

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