Voir tous les livres de Trish Morey

Trish Morey - Livres et biographie

Trish Morey lives with her husband and four daughters in a special part of South Australia, surrounded by orchards and bushland, and visited by the occasional koala and kangaroo. With a lifelong love of reading, she penned her first book at the age of eleven, after which life, career and a growing family kept her busy until once again she could indulge her desire to create characters and stories – this time in romance. Visit Trish at her website: www.trishmorey.com.

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Un enfant de lui, Trish MoreyLorsqu'elle apprend qu'elle est enceinte, Philly sent la panique l'envahir. Il est si difficile d'imaginer qu'à cause d'un seul moment de folie et d'égarement, sa vie va changer pour toujours... Si difficile, surtout, de continuer à vivre comme si de... Voir plus

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