Voir tous les livres de Stella Bagwell

Stella Bagwell - Livres et biographie

The author of over seventy-five titles for Harlequin, Stella Bagwell writes about familes, the West, strong, silent men of honor and the women who love them. She credits her loyal readers and hopes her stories have brightened their lives in some small way. A cowgirl through and through, she recently learned how to rope a steer. Her days begin and end helping her husband on their south Texas ranch. In between she works on her next tale of love. Contact her at stellabagwell@gmail.com

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Paru le 1 avril 2021
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Après avoir eu le cœur brisé, Lilly s’est juré de garder ses distances avec les hommes. Aussi, le jour où elle accepte un poste d’infirmière au ranch Silver Horn, est-elle résolue à refuser les avances du sublime Rafe Calhoun, réputé pour ses conquêtes amoureuses. Elle est ici pour... Voir plus

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