Voir tous les livres de Simon Schama

Simon Schama - Livres et biographie

Simon Schama is University Professor of Art History and History at Columbia University in New York. His award-winning books include Scribble, Scribble, Scribble; The American Future: A History; National Book Critics Circle Award winner Rough Crossings; The Power of Art; The Embarrassment of Riches: An Interpretation of Dutch Culture in the Golden Age; Citizens: A Chronicle of the French Revolution; Dead Certainties (Unwarranted Speculations); Landscape and Memory; Rembrandt's Eyes; and the History of Britain trilogy. He has written and presented forty television documentary films for the BBC, PBS, and The History Channel, including the Emmy-winning Power of Art, on subjects that range from John Donne to Tolstoy.

Top ventes de l'auteur

L'Histoire des juifs Tome 1

Paru le 21 septembre 2016
12,99 €
TVA incluse
L’histoire que Simon Schama entreprend de nous conter ici est à nulle autre pareille.Tout au long des dernières décennies, des découvertes archéologiques ont renouvelé notre vision de la manière dont a vu le jour la Bible, qui allait devenir le patrimoine d’une bonne partie de la... Voir plus

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