Voir tous les livres de Shana Priwer

Shana Priwer - Livres et biographie

Shana Priwer has an undergraduate degree from Columbia University in architecture with minors in math and art history. She earned her master’s degree in architecture from Harvard University and currently works with a software company in San Francisco. As a technical writer, she has collaborated with Cynthia Phillips on a variety of projects. She is the coauthor of 101 Things You Didn’t Know About Einstein.

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The Everything Einstein Book

Paru le 15 décembre 2011
10,72 €
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Albert Einstein was the most famous and influential thinker of his time. His theories of relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical physics gave birth to a new era in scientific thought and changed the ay people see the universe and their place in it. The Everything Einstein... Voir plus

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