Voir tous les livres de Samantha Kane

Samantha Kane - Livres et biographie

Reviewers have called Samantha Kane “an absolute marvel to read,” and “one of historical romance’s most erotic and sensuous authors.”  Her books have been called “sinful,” “sensuous,” and “sizzling.” She is published in several romance genres including historical, contemporary, and science fiction.  Her erotic Regency-set historical romances have won awards, including Best Historical from RWA's erotic romance chapter Passionate Ink, and the Historical CAPA (best book) award from The Romance Studio.  She has a master's degree in American History and taught high school social studies for ten years before becoming a full-time writer. Samantha Kane lives in North Carolina with her husband and three children.






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L'amour assiégé

Paru le 6 septembre 2018
4,49 €
TVA incluse
Phillip Neville et Jonathan Overton sont meilleurs amis depuis leur enfance. Lorsqu’ils reviennent de la guerre, ils entrent sur le marché du mariage. Il ne leur faut pas longtemps pour tomber amoureux de la timide, maladroite et belle Maggie Trueheart. Phillip et Maggie se marient,... Voir plus

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