Voir tous les livres de Rudyard Kipling

Rudyard Kipling - Livres et biographie

Rudyard Kipling was born in Bombay (now known as Mumbai), India, but returned with his parents to England at the age of five. Among Kipling’s best-known works are The Jungle Book, Just So Stories, and the poems “Mandalay” and “Gunga Din.” Kipling was the first English-language writer to receive the Nobel Prize for literature (1907) and was among the youngest to have received the award. 

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Le Classcompilé n° 91 contient les oeuvres de Rudyard Kipling.Rudyard Kipling, né à Bombay, alors en Inde britannique, le 30 décembre 1865 et mort à Londres, le 18 janvier 1936, est un écrivainbritannique. Ses ouvrages pour la jeunesse ont connu dès leur parution un succès qui ne... Voir plus

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