Voir tous les livres de Nina Milne

Nina Milne - Livres et biographie

Nina Milne has loved Mills & Boon, since as a child she discovered stacks of M&B books ‘hidden’ in the airing cupboard so is thrilled to now write for them. Nina spent her childhood in England, US and France. Since then she has acquired an English degree, 1 hero-husband, 3 gorgeous children and a house in Brighton where she plans to stay. After all she can now transport herself via her characters to anywhere in the world whilst sitting in pyjamas in her study. Bliss!

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Promise à un comte

Paru le 1 mars 2023
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Parce qu’elle a commis l’impardonnable erreur d’être née fille, Adriana est le mouton noir de la famille. C’est bien simple, son père, lord Salvington, ne la supporte pas ! Mais le jour où leur domaine menace d’être perdu Adriana oublie toute rancœur pour accomplir ce qu’elle sait... Voir plus

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