Voir tous les livres de Nelson K. Foley

Nelson K. Foley - Livres et biographie

Nelson K. Foley – better known as Keith Foley among his family, friends and acquaintances is a debutant author at a somewhat late stage in his life. He chose to use his original name in honour of a family lineage that goes back several generations; also because it sounds better as an author name!

Nelson Foley is British, with a background in scientific publishing, and a passion for culture, art and travel. He has lived in and near Amsterdam for more years than he can count. The intimacy of having lived in the city, crossed the bridges, and meandered along the canals underpins his story telling, along with the support of many professional and amateur critics.    

Top ventes de l'auteur

De Brug naar Rembrandt

De Brug naar Rembrandt

Paru le 13 décembre 2021
6,99 €
TVA incluse
Een epische historische saga over tijdreizen en vervormde romantiek, die de lezer meevoert naar enkele van de meest memorabele perioden van de geschiedenis van Amsterdam, orrlogstijd, rellen, hongersnood en de pest.Robert heeft zijn eigen persoonlijke medische uitdaging, diabetes.... Voir plus

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