Voir tous les livres de Nalini Singh

Nalini Singh - Livres et biographie

Nalini Singh was born in Fiji and raised in New Zealand. She spent three years living and working in Japan, and travelling around Asia before returning to New Zealand now - although she's always plotting new trips. She has worked as a lawyer, a librarian, a candy factory general hand, a bank temp and an English teacher, not necessarily in that order. Some people might call that inconsistency, but she calls it grist for the writer's mill.

You can learn more by visiting www.nalinisingh.com or by following @NaliniSingh on twitter.

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Rock Hard

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11,99 €
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Ancien joueur de rugby, Gabriel Bishop s’est reconverti dans les affaires. Recruté pour redresser l’entreprise Saxon & Archer, il entend agir avec la même détermination que celle qui a fait de lui une star du ballon ovale. Pour commencer, son attention s’est posée sur Charlotte... Voir plus

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