Voir tous les livres de Malcolm Gladwell

Malcolm Gladwell - Livres et biographie

Malcolm Gladwell is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers: The Tipping Point, Blink, Outliers, What the Dog Saw, David and Goliath, Talking to Strangers, and The Bomber Mafia. He is also the cofounder of Pushkin Industries, an audio-​content company that produces Revisionist History, among other podcasts and audiobooks. He was born in England and raised in Canada, and lives outside New York with his family and a cat named Biggie Smalls. His latest book is Revenge of the Tipping Point: Overstories, Superspreaders and the Rise of Social Engineering.

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Qui n’a jamais été paralysé par ses défauts? Timides, maladroits, désavantagés par avance… Nous avons tous des points faibles qui nous font baisser les bras : quand on n’a pas les armes, on n’ose pas. Et pourtant ! Malcolm Gladwell, spécialiste des mécanismes de la réussite (personnelle,... Voir plus

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