Voir tous les livres de Majid Fakhry

Majid Fakhry - Livres et biographie

Majid Fakhry is Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the American University of Beirut, and formerly Lecturer at SOAS, University of London, Visiting Professor at UCLA, and Associate Professor of Philosophy, Georgetown University. He is also currently Senior Fellow at the Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University. His publications include 'A History of Islamic Philosophy' (Columbia University Press), 'The Qur'an: A Modern English Version' (Garnet), 'Ethical Theories in Islam' (Brill), 'Averroes: His Life, Works and Influence', and 'Al-Farabi, Founder of Islamic Neoplatonism' (both for Oneworld).

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Islamic Philosophy

Paru le 1 février 2009
5,84 €
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A comprehensive examination of the struggle to reconcile philosophy and Islam.From the introduction of Greek Philosophy into the Muslim world in the eighth century, right through to modern times, Majid Fakhry charts the evolution and interaction of philosophy, theology, and mysticism... Voir plus

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