Voir tous les livres de Maggie Cox

Maggie Cox - Livres et biographie

The day Maggie Cox saw the film version of Wuthering Heights, was the day she became hooked on romance. From that day onwards she spent a lot of time dreaming up her own romances,hoping that one day she might become published. Now that her dream is being realised, she wakes up every morning and counts her blessings. She is married to a gorgeous man, and is the mother of two wonderful sons. Her other passions in life – besides her family and reading/writing – are music and films.

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L'amant irlandais, Maggie CoxEn apprenant qu'il lui faut se rendre en Irlande pour assister aux funérailles de son père, Caitlin sent une terrible angoisse l'envahir. Comment ne pas paniquer à l'idée qu'elle va revoir là-bas Flynn Mac Cormac, l'homme qu'elle a follement aimé quatre... Voir plus

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