Voir tous les livres de Lynne Sharon Schwartz

Lynne Sharon Schwartz - Livres et biographie

Lynne Sharon Schwartz (b. 1939) is a celebrated author of novels, poems, short fiction, and criticism. Schwartz began her career with a series of short stories before publishing her first novel, the National Book Award–nominated Rough Strife (1980). She went on to publish works of memoir, poetry, and translation. Her other novels have included the award-nominated Leaving Brooklyn (1989) and Disturbances in the Field (1983). Her short fiction has appeared in theBest American Short Stories annual anthology series several times. In addition, her reviews and criticism have appeared in numerous magazines and newspapers. Schwartz lives in New York City, and is currently a faculty member of the Bennington Writing Seminars. 

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Il fantasma della memoria
Autore di capolavori come Austerlitz, Gli anelli di Saturno e Vertigini, W.G. Sebald non ha mai indietreggiato dalla responsabilità di sentirsi parte di un popolo – quello tedesco – che egli riteneva avesse l'obbligo di farsi carico della memoria delle atrocità compiute. In questo... Voir plus

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