Voir tous les livres de Lynne Marshall

Lynne Marshall - Livres et biographie

USA Today Bestselling author Lynne Marshall used to worry she had a serious problem with daydreaming, then she discovered she was supposed to write those stories! A late bloomer, she came to fiction writing after her children were nearly grown. Now she battles the empty nest by writing romantic stories about life, love, and happy endings. She's a proud mother and grandmother who loves babies, dogs, books, music, and traveling.

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Intégrale de la série Passions « L’été de tous les délices »Au gré des vents, les frères Delaney voguent sur les flots de la passion…Quand Keela, Laurel, Shelby et leurs enfants, arrivent dans leur ville, Daniel, Mark et Conor Delaney ont le droit à une seconde chance après que la... Voir plus

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