Voir tous les livres de Loretta Lynne Finan

Loretta Lynne Finan - Livres et biographie

Loretta has been a writer since childhood. She's also been a bartender, actor, grocery store clerk, stand-up comedian, marketing executive, singer/songwriter/bandleader, and seeker. Her work has appeared in Reflections, The Ekphrastic Review, Paragraph Planet, Scribes*MICRO*Fiction, and Reed College Small Press. She loves dogs and trees, lives in Florida, and enjoys being kind. 




Upcoming From Loretta Lynne Finan

A full-length novel set in the Redwood Rainforest. It's a tale of impossibly tall trees, a feral marijuana farmer, nighttime visits from strange beings corporeal and ethereal, mass disappearances of humans and animals, and other forms of High Strangeness that make up everyday life in Outlaw Country. It is as yet untitled.


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Paru le 20 mars 2025
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The apocalypse finds Alex drunk and living in what's left of Florida with her dead husband's father in his falling-down house. The most rewarding part of her day is wrestling eggs from feral Muscovy ducks and cooking fresh scrambles. The least rewarding part is consuming wine enough... Voir plus

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