Voir tous les livres de Lorel Clayton

Lorel Clayton - Livres et biographie

Lorel and Clayton were teen sweethearts, brought together by a fierce love of books (and hormones). Despite being married for 35 years, they are still madly in love and still writing. As writing partners, they meld logic, creativity, and genres. Fantasy, science-fiction, mystery, horror, steampunk, thriller, romance, classics ... they read them all, and if they can mix them they will!

Subscribe to their newsletter for a free Eva Thorne Novella and other short stories: www.lorelclayton.com

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Lorel has a PhD in molecular biology and Once Upon a Time did cancer research before turning to the dark side (aka marketing), but she uses her powers for good, helping raise funds for charity. She loves books, movies and animals, and would gladly spend all day with a cat on her lap and the wind in her hair (Conan reference there), while tapping out a story on her keyboard. Or maybe a movie script. With coffee of course. And lots of chocolate!

Clayton is an artist and has recently tackled digital painting, mostly because there's a hyperactive thirteen-year-old boy running around the house (their gorgeous son, in case you were wondering if that's normal). Clayton is severely dyslexic but loves books and storytelling. He adds vast imagination and a discerning ear for effective prose to their creative collaboration, not to mention the book cover art.

Born and raised in the western United States, they traveled to Sydney, Australia in 1997 and never left, finding the sunshine and beaches of "Oz" too irresistible. Look them up if ever you're Down Under.

Website: www.lorelclayton.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/lorelclayton/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/AuthorLorelClayton/

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Rose and Thorne

Rose and Thorne

Paru le 21 mars 2025
6,49 €
TVA incluse
One thing you can be sure of is that Eva Thorne will be at the center of it all. Eva doesn't want to be the lead candidate for the Human Crown—especially since she's Solhan and not human at all, and certainly not after the elf interim council declares democracy a treasonous activity... Voir plus

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