Voir tous les livres de Kim Stanley ROBINSON

Kim Stanley ROBINSON - Livres et biographie

Kim Stanley Robinson was born in 1952. After travelling and working around the world, he settled in his beloved California. He is widely regarded as the finest science fiction writer working today, noted as much for the verisimilitude of his characters as the meticulously researched scientific basis of his work. He has won just about every major sf award there is to win and is the author of the massively successful and highly praised ‘Mars’ series.

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Vision audacieuse et brillante du futur de l’humanité couronnée par le Nebula du meilleur roman, 2312 est sans doute le roman le plus accompli de Kim Stanley Robinson et assurément l'une des oeuvres de science-fiction les plus ambitieuses de la décennie. Voir plus

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