Voir tous les livres de Kim Scott

Kim Scott - Livres et biographie

Kim Scott is the co-founder of an executive education firm and workplace comedy series, The Feedback Loop, based on her perenially bestselling book, Radical Candor: How to Get What You Want by Saying What You Mean. Kim was a CEO coach at Dropbox, Qualtrics, Twitter and other tech companies. She was a member of faculty at Apple University and before that led operations teams for AdSense, YouTube and DoubleClick at Google. Kim was a senior policy advisor at the FCC, managed a paediatric clinic in Kosovo, started a diamond-cutting factory in Moscow and was an analyst on the Soviet Companies' Fund. She lives with her family in SIlicon Valley.

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Paru le 30 août 2019
21,99 €
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Dès l'instant où l’on commence à parler, on nous apprend que si l’on n’a rien de gentil à dire, il vaut mieux se taire. Si le conseil vaut pour la vie courante, appliqué au management il se révèle catastrophique. C’est ainsi que certaines mises à l’écart peuvent se produire sans... Voir plus

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