Voir tous les livres de Kathy Douglass

Kathy Douglass - Livres et biographie

Kathy Douglass came by her love of reading naturally – both of her parents were readers. She would finish one book and pick up another. Then she attended law school and traded romances for legal opinions. After the birth of her two children, her love of reading turned into a love of writing. Kathy now spends her days writing the small town comtemporary novels she enjoys reading. Kathy loves to hear from her readers and can be found on Facebook.

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Comment en arrive-t-on à haïr son meilleur ami ? Voilà la question que se pose Joni. Depuis qu’elle a passé une nuit fabuleuse dans les bras d’Alexander Devlin, rien ne va plus entre eux. Et pour cause : alors qu’elle rêve de renouveler l’expérience, lui se confond en excuses !... Voir plus

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