Voir tous les livres de Kathleen O'Brien

Kathleen O'Brien - Livres et biographie

Kathleen Alice is a first-time author based in Australia with a passion for crime and thriller fiction. Drawing on personal experiences, Kathleen brings authenticity and depth to her work, particularly through her neurodiverse characters.


Her debut novel, Shadows Over Aberystwyth, reflects her commitment to crafting compelling mysteries that explore human resilience and the complexities of justice. Kathleen channels her love for storytelling into creating immersive, character-driven narratives set against richly atmospheric backdrops.


When not writing, Kathleen enjoys delving into true crime documentaries, or reading books, which often inspire elements of her storytelling. She is excited to connect with readers and fellow writers who share her love for gripping, thought-provoking fiction.

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La magie des flocons

Paru le 1 décembre 2015
1,99 €
TVA incluse
Maintenir la tradition du festival de Noël au ranch Araby ? Malgré les difficultés, Annie ne veut pas y renoncer et décevoir ainsi Duke, le fondateur du festival, qu’elle considère comme son père. Aussi voit-elle avec méfiance le retour au ranch de son petit-fils, Nate Araby. Que... Voir plus

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