Voir tous les livres de Kate Carlisle

Kate Carlisle - Livres et biographie

Kate Carlisle writes for Harlequin Desire and is also the New York Times bestselling author of the Bibliophile Mystery series for NAL. Kate spent twenty years in television production before enrolling in law school, where she turned to writing fiction as a lawful way to kill off her professors. She eventually left law school, but the urge to write has never left her. Kate and her husband live near the beach in Southern California where she was born and raised.

Top ventes de l'auteur

Une délicieuse folie, Kate Carlisle   Maggie doit réunir une importante somme d’argent afin de pouvoir aider son grand-père malade. Aussi se voit-elle contrainte d’accepter la proposition de Connor, celui qu’elle a tant aimé il y a dix ans : il paiera les soins si elle l’accompagne... Voir plus

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