Voir tous les livres de Kahlil Gibran

Kahlil Gibran - Livres et biographie

Poet, philosopher, and artist, Kahlil Gibran (1883 - 1931) was born in Lebanon. The millions of Arabic-speaking peoples familiar with his writings in that language consider him the genius of his age and he was a man whose fame and influence spread far beyond the country of his birth. His poetry has been translated into more than twenty languages and his drawings and paintings have been exhibited in the great capitals of the world and compared by Auguste Rodin to the work of William Blake.

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Le Prophète

Paru le 28 mars 2014
2,99 €
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Écrit en anglais, Le Prophète est une œuvre poétique faite d’aphorismes et de paraboles, livrés par un prophète en exil sur le point de partir. Aux grandes questions de la vie, celui-ci livre au peuple qui l’a accueilli pendant douze ans des réponses simples et pénétrantes. Des... Voir plus

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