Voir tous les livres de John Ruskin

John Ruskin - Livres et biographie

John Ruskin (8 February 1819 20 January 1900) was an English writer, philosopher, art critic and polymath of the Victorian era. He wrote on subjects as varied as geology, architecture, myth, ornithology, literature, education, botany and political economy.Ruskin was heavily engaged by the work of Viollet le Duc which he taught to all his pupils including William Morris, notably Viollet le Duc's Dictionary which he considered as "the only book of any value on architecture".Ruskin's writing styles and literary forms were equally varied. He wrote essays and treatises, poetry and lectures, travel guides and manuals, letters and even a fairy tale. He also made detailed sketches and paintings of rocks, plants, birds, landscapes, architectural structures and ornamentation. The elaborate style that characterised his earliest writing on art gave way in time to plainer language designed to communicate his ideas more effectively. In all of his writing, he emphasised the connections between nature, art and society.

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Écrits naturels

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À la recherche du temps perdu de Marcel Proust a rendu internationalement célèbre le nom de Ruskin. Mais l’image ainsi donnée de son œuvre est biaisée, car John Ruskin (1819-1900) n’était pas qu’un spécialiste de Turner ou de l’architecture gothique. Sa science s’étendait à la géologie,... Voir plus

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