Voir tous les livres de Jill Sorenson

Jill Sorenson - Livres et biographie

Jill Sorenson writes sexy action/adventure romance for HQN. Her latest release, Aftershock, was given a starred review by Publishers Weekly. Jill lives in the San Diego area with her husband and two daughters. She draws inspiration from the diverse neighborhoods and spectacular scenery of Southern California. You can find her on Twitter much too often. Her other hobbies include reading, hiking, and going to the beach.

Top ventes de l'auteur

L’île du danger, Jill SorensonAccoudée au bastingage du ferry, Daniela l’aperçoit soudain, transperçant le brouillard : le vieux phare des îles Farallon vient d’apparaître. Elle est arrivée, enfin. Ici, parmi les scientifiques qui, comme elle, étudient les animaux marins, elle va... Voir plus

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