Voir tous les livres de Jennifer Greene

Jennifer Greene - Livres et biographie

Jennifer Greene grew up in the exclusive suburbs of Grosse Pointe, Michigan--and gave it all up to marry her husband and move to a rural peach farm. They had to restore an old house that had been on his family’s property since the 1800s (complete with things that crawl in the night!). Now, years later, they still have the farm and two college-age children. Jennifer is a member of the (also exclusive) Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame, which means she has won three Rita Awards--for her work in contemporary romance.

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Le cadeau de l'hiver

Paru le 1 novembre 2017
5,99 €
TVA incluse
Merry a tenu sa promesse : sans hésiter un seul instant, elle a recueilli Charlène, la fillette de son meilleur ami, désormais orpheline. Mais elle se heurte tout de suite au silence de Charlène ; bouleversée à l'idée qu'on lui retire la garde si elle ne parvient pas à se faire accepter... Voir plus

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