Voir tous les livres de Jane Charles

Jane Charles - Livres et biographie

Jane Charles has lived in the Midwest her entire life. As a child she would more likely be found outside with a baseball than a book in her hand. In fact, Jane hated reading until she was sixteen. Out of boredom on a long road trip she borrowed her older sister’s historical romance and fell in love with reading. She long ago lost count of how many fiction novels she has read over the years and her love for them never died.  Along with romance she has a passion for history and the two soon combined when she penned her first historical romance.  What turned into a hobby became a passion, which has been fully supported by her husband, three children and three cats.

Jane can be contacted at: janecharles522@gmail.com
Twitter and FB: JaneACharle

Top ventes de l'auteur

Courting the Scot

Courting the Scot

Paru le 8 mai 2017
4,99 €
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When a rake's silver tongue fails to charm...Ian Grant has wanted to court a certain lass for quite some time, but when his usual charm has no effect on Davina MacGregor, he stops talking and kisses her instead. Unfortunately, his rakish reputation precedes him and Ian somehow finds... Voir plus

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