Voir tous les livres de James Mannion

James Mannion - Livres et biographie

James Mannion is the author of several nonfiction books (that publishers paid him to write, not "vanity press" folderol). However, the less said about them, the better.

The Little Sistah is his first novel, or novella, if you're a stickler about things like word count.

Doctor Nah is a FREE short story that's a spoiler-free sequel to The Little Sistah, bridging the gap between it and the inevitable sequel. Check it out. It's free! If you like it you might like the novella.

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At last, you can grasp the most difficult concepts of thought!If you’ve always wanted to learn about philosophy but were too intimidated to get past the first word ending in “ism,” The Everything Philosophy Book provides simple explanations guaranteed to make philosophic ideas and... Voir plus

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