Voir tous les livres de James Allen

James Allen - Livres et biographie

James Allen (18641912) was a British philosopher and writer renowned for his seminal work on personal development, particularly through his influential book As a Man Thinketh. This text explores the transformative power of thought, asserting that our mental attitudes shape our realities and ultimately determine our success and happiness. Allens insights, rooted in the New Thought movement, emphasize the importance of positive thinking and self-discipline, which continue to resonate with contemporary self-help philosophies. His teachings have inspired countless individuals to cultivate a mindset of personal responsibility and growth, solidifying his legacy as a key figure in the realm of self-improvement literature.

Top ventes de l'auteur

L'homme est le reflet de ses pensées - Le plus grand classique sur la loi d'attraction suivi de La m
Le livre de référence sur la loi d'attraction, avec des lois applicables à l'enrichissement et au succès.Notre esprit est comparable à un jardin que l'on peut cultiver ou laisser à l'abandon. Quel que soit le traitement que nous lui réservons, des plantes y grandiront – mauvaises... Voir plus

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