Voir tous les livres de Ingrid Seabra

Ingrid Seabra - Livres et biographie

Ingrid Seabra has been passionate about numbers and problem-solving since she was a child. It was no surprise that she ended up working in the field of statistics after getting her degree from Salamanca University in Spain. Ingrid became a credit risk analyst at Barclays Bank in the UK. She then joined the European Central Bank (ECB) in Germany, where she worked as a statistician, analyzing data on eurozone economies. After working in the banking and finance industry for several years, Ingrid decided to pursue a career in scientific research. She became a senior biostatistician at BIAL Pharmaceuticals in Portugal, where she conducted clinical trials and statistical analyses that were published in numerous scientific articles. Today, Ingrid is a teacher and consultant in mathematics and statistics. She also examines the use of artificial technology in business and education. She is especially interested in how AI can be used to improve education for children and young people. Besides writing about technology and education, she is also the co-author of the children's books series As Aventuras do Gastão about Gastão and his travels around the world. In addition, Ingrid is the author of A Inteligência Artificial e o Futuro da Educação and co-authored Conversas com a Inteligencia Artificial: 111 Perguntas, Conversas com a Inteligência Artificial, and Let's Ask AI.

Top ventes de l'auteur

A Inteligência Artificial e o Futuro da Educação
A autora do livro A Inteligência Artificial e o Futuro da Educação acredita que é importante partilhar com os leitores como a IA irá mudar as nossas vidas e que poderá levar a perder algumas interações sociais com outros humanos. No entanto, segundo Ingrid Seabra, isto não deve ser... Voir plus

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