Voir tous les livres de Hilbert Haar

Hilbert Haar - Livres et biographie

Hilbert Haar (1950) started working as a journalist in the Netherlands in 1969. He has worked for newspaper and magazine publishers and also worked as an independent writer with his own company V.o.f. De Stijl. He spent seven years in Greece on the island of Crete, and lived also briefly in Utah and California. He worked as the Editor-in-Chief at Today, a muckraking English-language newspaper published in Philipsburg, St. Maarten - Dutch West Indies, for ten-plus years, until the paper closed down after Hurricane Irma in 2017. He is currently traveling with his wife Myriam in Asia.
He finished his first full-length thriller - The Ultimate God Conspiracy in 2018, and published a second thriller - Diary of a Psychopath (Dutch title: Dagboek van een Psychopaat) in 2021.
Het luchthartige zelf-help boek Achttien Tips Voor een Gelukkig Leven verscheen eveneens in 2021.

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Masonic Madness

Masonic Madness

Paru le 3 mai 2022
7,49 €
TVA incluse
After Major Thomas Baker is kicked out of the US Army he becomes depressed and develops a love for Black Label until he is recruited as a bodyguard for a high-profile security company. When he discovers the company's true intentions, he becomes the target of a deadly manhunt, fueled... Voir plus

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