Voir tous les livres de HelenKay Dimon

HelenKay Dimon - Livres et biographie

HelenKay Dimon is a former divorce lawyer with a dual writing personality. Her books have been featured in numerous venues, including The Washington Post, The New York Times, and Cosmopolitan. Her most recent release, Moorewood Family Rules, has been optioned by Paramount for television. She also writes thrillers as Darby Kane and is a #1 international bestseller in that genre. Two of her thrillers have been optioned for television, including her debut, Pretty Little Wife. For more information go to helenkaydimon.com

Top ventes de l'auteur

- Savez-vous où se trouve mon frère ? Meredith n’en croit pas ses yeux : l’homme qui vient de sonner à sa porte ressemble trait pour trait à Garrett Hill, son voisin ! Mais, alors que celui-ci lui apprend qu’il est en fait Jeremy, le jumeau de Garrett, et qu’il cherche son frère... Voir plus

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