Voir tous les livres de Helen Garner

Helen Garner - Livres et biographie

Helen Garner was born in Geelong in 1942. She worked as a high school teacher, then as a freelance journalist. Since 1977 she has published novels, stories, screenplays and works of non-fiction. She is the winner of the 2006 inaugural Melbourne Prize for Literature, the 2016 Windham-Campbell Literature Prize for Non-fiction, the 2019 Australia Council Award for Lifetime Achievement in Literature and the 2023 Australian Society of Authors Medal. Her books include This House of Grief, Monkey Grip and The Children's Bach.

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Une vie tranquille dans la banlieue de Melbourne, cela semble convenir à Athena et Dexter Fox. Ils sont heureux, s’occupent de leurs deux jeunes garçons, et de temps en temps, Athena joue du Bach sur le piano de la cuisine. Mais un jour, Dexter croise Elizabeth, une vieille amie... Voir plus

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