Voir tous les livres de George Mann

George Mann - Livres et biographie

George Mann is a Sunday Times bestselling novelist, comics writer, and screenwriter. He’s the creator of the Wychwood supernatural mystery series as well as the popular Newbury & Hobbes and Tales of the Ghost. He’s written comics, novels, and audio dramas for properties such as Star Wars, Doctor Who, Sherlock Holmes, Judge Dredd, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Dragon Age.

Mann lives near Grantham, England, with his wife, children, and two noisy dogs. He loves mythology and folklore, Kate Bush, and chocolate. He is constantly surrounded by tottering piles of comics and books.

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UNE MENACE TELLE QU'ELLE EFFRAYE MÊME LES JEDI... Alors qu'elle se prépare à traquer un dangereux spécimen, la chasseuse de monstres Ty Yorrick narre une épopée terrifiante que le maître de son maître, le Padawan Coron Solstus, a vécue. Coincé dans un monde lointain et inhabité avec... Voir plus

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