Voir tous les livres de Fritjof Capra

Fritjof Capra - Livres et biographie

David Diamond is a 1975 graduate of the University of Alberta with a BFA in acting. He worked as a professional actor in theatre, television and film throughout Western Canada until 1981 when he co-founded Headlines Theatre. He became the Artistic Director in 1984. He is the originator of Headlines' Theatre for Living work, which has evolved from Brazilian Director Augusto Boal's ground-breaking Theatre of the Oppressed. In 1996 David was the first individual recipient of the City of Vancouver's Cultural Harmony Award. In 2001 he received an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from the University College of the Fraser Valley. David is a 2010 recipient of the Otto René Castillo Award for Political Theatre.

Fritjof Capra: World renowned systems theorist and author of The Tao of Physics, The Turning Point, The Hidden Connections and many other books. Capra has written the foreword for Theatre for Living.

Augusto Boal: Founder of the worldwide movement known as "Theatre of the Oppressed" and author of Theatre of the Oppressed, Rainbow of Desire and many other books.

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La science d'avant-garde à travers des interviews passionnantesjournalistes, docteurs et physiciens théoriciensL'homme, de son ADN à son mental, de l’approche écologique des systèmes vivants à la théorie Matrix de Icke en passant par l’expérience quantique.Quoi de plus attrayant... Voir plus

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