Voir tous les livres de Elizabeth Power

Elizabeth Power - Livres et biographie

English author, Elizabeth Power was first published by Mills and Boon in 1986. Widely travelled, many places she has visited have been recreated in her books. Living in the beautiful West Country, Elizabeth likes nothing better than walking with her husband in the countryside surrounding her home and enjoying all that nature has to offer. Emotional intensity is paramount in her writing. "Times, places and trends change," she says, "but emotion is timeless."

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Jamais Sienna n’aurait pensé revoir Conan Ryder, le frère de son mari décédé. Comment aurait-elle pu imaginer que cet homme sombre et impitoyable chercherait à la retrouver, alors qu’il l’a toujours détestée ? Mais bientôt, sous le choc, Sienna comprend les raisons de cette surprenante... Voir plus

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