Voir tous les livres de Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

Dinah Maria Mulock Craik - Livres et biographie

Dinah Maria Mulock Craik was born in Staffordshire, England, in 1826. The daughter of a local minister, Craik was raised from an early age to value education and literature. She moved to London at the age of twenty and quickly became a popular author, publishing numerous short stories to considerable commercial and critical acclaim. An affable and witty conversationalist, Craik became something of a celebrity in London society. In 1854 she married George Lillie Craik, a partner with Alexander Macmillan at the publishing house Macmillan & Co. She died in 1887.

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Il y a bien des années, il est inutile d’en fixer le nombre, vivait dans le château de ses ancêtres, tout au nord de l’Ecosse, le dernier comte de Cairnforth.Vous ne trouverez pas son nom dans l’Annuaire de la « Noblesse de Lodge, » car, ainsi que je viens de le dire, il fut le dernier... Voir plus

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