Voir tous les livres de Diana Hamilton

Diana Hamilton - Livres et biographie

Diana Hamilton’s first stories were written for the amusement of her children. They were never publihed, but the writing bug had bitten. Over the next ten years she combined writing novels with bringing up her children, gardening and cooking for the restaurant of a local inn – a wonderful excuse to avoid housework! In 1987 Diana realized her dearest ambition – the publication of her first Mills & Boon romance. Diana lives in Shropshire, England, with her husband.

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Une proposition inacceptable, Diana HamiltonC'est avec joie que Sophie a accepté de s'occuper des jumeaux Valenti. Comment ne pas fondre devant ces adorables bambins ? Pour autant, elle ne se doutait pas qu'elle allait devoir partager la villa des Valenti avec Ettore Severini, l'oncle... Voir plus

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