Voir tous les livres de David Lagercrantz

David Lagercrantz - Livres et biographie

David Lagercrantz was born in 1962, and is an acclaimed author and journalist. In 2015 The Girl in the Spider's Web (2015), his continuation of Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy, became a worldwide bestseller and was made into a film by Sony Pictures (2018). He is the author of the acclaimed and bestselling I am Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Fall of Man in Wilmslow, and the fifth and sixth books in the Millennium series, The Girl Who Takes an Eye for an Eye (2017) and The Girl Who Lived Twice (2019). Dark Music, the first Rekke and Vargas Investigation, will be published in the UK in 2022.

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Quand Mikael Blomkvist reçoit un appel d’un chercheur de pointe dans le domaine de l’intelligence artificielle qui affirme détenir des informations sensibles sur les services de renseignement américains, il se dit qu'il tient le scoop qu'il attendait pour relancer la revue Millénium... Voir plus

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