Voir tous les livres de David Cooper

David Cooper - Livres et biographie

I am a solicitor living and working in England.

My first novel, legal suspense/thriller Hatred Ridicule and Contempt, was published in November 2011 and features a libel action told from the newspaper defendant's perspective, with a subplot reflecting some shocking law firm internal politics.

I have moved to actual politics in my second novel Infernal Coalition, a legal/political suspense published in September 2012, where an underhand plan to defraud a solicitors' firm runs in parallel with a law professor's decision to strike back at the party machine that was evidently once keen to encourage her interest in becoming a Parliamentary candidate, only to exclude her in favour of one of their own kind.

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Deven se lance à la recherche de son amour reconquis. Mais sa nouvelle quête va le mener vers d'anciens ennemis de son clan. Entre combats mortels, vengeance et espérances, il devra affronter des rappels d'un passé aussi bouleversé qu'extraordinaire. Voir plus

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