Voir tous les livres de Clement Clarke Moore

Clement Clarke Moore - Livres et biographie

Clement Clarke Moore (July 15, 1779 – July 10, 1863) was a writer and professor and is credited with writing "A Visit from St. Nicholas" for his children. Originally published anonymously on December 23, 1823, the poem that would come to be known as "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" was responsible for the creation of the Santa Claus myth as it is known in the United States and much of the English-speaking world. 

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La magie de Noël

La magie de Noël

Paru le 20 décembre 2021
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Le Père Noël bondit en bas de la cheminée, tout vêtu de fourrure, de la tête jusqu'aux pieds, tout sali par la suie, tout recouvert de cendres, avec son sac de jouets jeté sur son épaule... Voir plus

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