Voir tous les livres de Clare Connelly

Clare Connelly - Livres et biographie

Clare Connelly was raised in small-town Australia among a family of avid readers. She spent much of her childhood up a tree, Harlequin book in hand. She is married to her own real-life hero in a bungalow near the sea with their two children. She is frequently found staring into space – a surefire sign she is in the world of her characters. Writing for Harlequin Presents is a long-held dream. Clare can be contacted via clareconnelly.com or on her Facebook page.

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Six ans plus tôt, Marnie aimait Nikos Kyriazis avec toute la passion de la jeunesse. Pourtant, quand il lui a fallu choisir entre sa famille et lui, elle a renoncé à son grand amour. Pis, elle a blessé Nikos de sorte qu’il ne puisse jamais lui pardonner. Si le remords et le regret... Voir plus

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