Voir tous les livres de Christina Rossetti

Christina Rossetti - Livres et biographie

Christina Rossetti was born in 1830 in London. She was the youngest child in a creative Italian family, which included her famous brother Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Their father, a poet and political exile from Italy, fell ill when Rossetti was a teenager and the family suffered financial difficulty. Rossetti started writing at a young age and her poems were often influenced by her religious faith. She published various poems in literary magazines, but it was Goblin Market & Other Poems, published in 1862 to great acclaim, that established her position as a prominent poet. She became ill towards the end of her life, first from Graves’ disease and then from cancer, but she continued to write until her death in 1894.

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Le Marché aux elfes

Paru le 24 septembre 2021
13,99 €
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« Achetez, achetez », criaient les gobelins Qui dévalaient dans le chemin. « Oh, s’écria Lizzie. Laura, Laura, Ne regarde pas les lutins ». Christina Rossetti Mystique, mélancolique et visionnaire, Christina Georgina Rossetti (1830-1894) fut, à l’époque victorienne, l’auteur d’une... Voir plus

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