Voir tous les livres de Caitlin Crews

Caitlin Crews - Livres et biographie

USA Today bestselling, RITA-nominated, and critically-acclaimed author Caitlin Crews has written more than 150 books and counting. She has a Masters and Ph.D. in English Literature, thinks everyone should read more category romance, and is always available to discuss her beloved alpha heroes. Just ask. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her comic book artist husband, is always planning her next trip, and will never, ever, read all the books in her to-be-read pile. Thank goodness.

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La princesse retrouvée

Paru le 1 octobre 2017
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Tandis qu’elle écoute, bouche bée, les propos absurdes du séduisant inconnu qui se tient devant elle, Maggy a l’impression de rêver. Elle, une jeune serveuse orpheline, serait Magdalena, la princesse disparue du Santa Domini ? C’est insensé ! Mais, bien que révoltée par l’arrogance... Voir plus

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