Voir tous les livres de Blake Allwood

Blake Allwood - Livres et biographie

Blake Allwood was born in west TN, then moved to Kansas City MO after attending college in Lamoni, Iowa. He met his husband in 1995 and they officially married in 2015, once gay marriage was legalized. In 2017, he and his husband sold their home, purchased an RV and began traveling the country with their two dogs. Their travels provide the inspiration and settings for many of his novels.

Typically, Blake can be found relaxing in the RV or by the fire with his laptop and their Jack Russell Terrier, Buddy, curled up between his legs demanding attention. Denver, their Siberian Husky mix is often asleep at his feet or playing tug of war with Blake's husband, Shaun.

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Moon's Place

Moon's Place

Paru le 25 novembre 2021
0,99 €
TVA incluse
Keaton Newhart is stuck in a dead end job, hates his apartment, and feels bullied by his overbearing parents. His life changes quickly, however, when he is bowled over by a very rambunctious and large puppy that escaped from his owner then extremely sexy local baseball star, Matthew... Voir plus

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