Voir tous les livres de Barbara Hambly

Barbara Hambly - Livres et biographie

Barbara Hambly was born in San Diego. Her interest in fantasy began with reading The Wizard of Oz at an early age and has continued ever since. She attended the University of California, Riverside, specialising in medieval history and then spent a year at the University at Bordeaux in Southern France as a teaching and research assistant. She now lives in Los Angeles.

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Retrouvez tout l'univers Star Wars "légendes" chez 12-21, l'éditeur numérique ! L'AVENTURE EST ETERNELLE... La princesse Leia, Yan Solo et Chewbacca partent sur la planète Belsavis, dont nul n'est jamais revenu vivant, pour y rechercher les enfants du jedi. A l'autre bout de la... Voir plus

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