Voir tous les livres de Alice Walker

Alice Walker - Livres et biographie

Alice Walker is an internationally celebrated writer, poet, and activist whose books include seven novels, four collections of short stories, five children’s books, and several volumes of essays and poetry. She has received the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction and the National Book Award, and has been honored with the O. Henry Award, the Lillian Smith Award, and the Mahmoud Darwish Literary Prize for Fiction. She was inducted into the California Hall of Fame and received the Lennon Ono Peace Award. Her work has been published in forty languages worldwide.

Top ventes de l'auteur

La Couleur pourpre

Paru le 27 octobre 2022
4,99 €
9,99 € TVA incluse
Lauréat du prix Pulitzer et de l'American Book Award en 1983, La Couleur pourpre a été adapté au cinéma en 1984 par Steven Spielberg.Dans la grande tradition du roman sudiste, La Couleur pourpre, dénonçant l'oppression raciale et sexuelle dont furent victimes les femmes noires, a... Voir plus

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