Voir tous les livres de Alain DE BOTTON

Alain DE BOTTON - Livres et biographie

Alain de Botton is the author of a number of books that try to throw light on the big challenges of our lives. His books have been sold in thirty-five countries and many have been international bestsellers, including How Proust Can Change Your Life, Essays in Love and The Art of Travel. He is the founder of two social enterprises, the first promoting architecture, Living Architecture, which gets top architects to build holiday homes for rental by everyone. The second enterprise is The School of Life.

Top ventes de l'auteur

Le monde n’attend qu’une chose: qu’on le change
Un essai du philosophe Alain de Botton, originellement publié sur le blogue anglais The Book of Life (The School of Life), et traduit par William S. Messier. On y évoque cette sensation d'immuabilité du monde qui nous paralyse et à nous laisse croire que les grands changements appartiennent... Voir plus

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