Affichage :
Erving Goffman is one of the most influential sociologists of the 20th century. A specialist in human interaction, he enjoyed a dazzling career, influencing many of his contemporaries and producing a...
Experimental medicine, founded by Claude Bernard in the nineteenth century, decisively oriented medical research and especially modern biology. Amongst other things, it shed light on the role of the immune...
At the museum, this means seeing the objects where they are, and simultaneously seeing them where they no longer are, that is to say, in the regions from which they were taken. It means enjoying the beauty...
The Fourth Largest In Latvia Sees "Leading scholar In His field" Viktor Draaks Embarking - contre His Will - is an increasingly desperate and absurd journey through Latvian society. On the way he encounters...
The crisis faced by the European project today is above all a crisis of meaning. After the disappearance of the narratives about peace and prosperity, the reason for Europe is now the one given by millions...
The 50th anniversary of the European Social Charter presents the opportunity for a comprehensive and informative review of one of the Council of Europe's fundamental treaties.What are its origins? Which...
Everyday in Europe, people associated with Roma or Traveller communities are exposed to acts of discrimination and exclusion on a scale that has stopped shocking people and institutions. Too often, it...
The world today is far less a global village than a “global city”, as global network of multidimensional urban spaces of congestion prominently forming – and also formed by – globalization. But the relevance...
Dass das Teilen in der Gesellschaft der Gegenwart einmal eine so große Rolle spielen würde, hätte bis vor kurzem wohl kaum jemand vorausgesagt. Eine globale Protestbewegung brachte ein tiefes Bedürfnis...
The Papers collected here are representative of the four seminars of the symposium, and, in their various ways, explore many of the concerns of the conference in dealing with literature and various aspects...
Individually, these articles approach narrative from various angles, focusing both on matters that have been debated since even before the advent of narratology and on questions that have been dealt with...
Provided for under the Treaty of Lisbon, the accession of the European Union to the European Convention on Human Rights is destined to be a landmark in European legal history because it will finally...
The linguistic integration of migrants affects every aspect of settling in a new country (employment, health, etc.). The aim of this collection of texts is to propose a number of specific measures member...
The Council of Europe is the oldest of European institutions. Under the banner of human rights and democracy, it brings together 47 member states, ranging from Finland to Turkey and from Switzerland...
Peaceful, prosperous, democratic and respectful of people’s rights, building Europe is an ongoing challenge. For many years it seemed that Europeans lived on a continent of shared values and a common...
La “Trame” est le nom donné au schéma d'information de notre corps qui se présente comme un quadrillage quantique de lignes verticales, horizontales et transversales fixant l'organisation des cellules...
Democracy is well-established and soundly practiced in most European countries. But despite unprecedented progress, there is growing dissatisfaction with the state of democracy and deepening mistrust...
The right to freedom of expression entails duties and responsibilities and is subject to certain limits, provided for in Article 10.2 of the European Convention on Human Rights, which are concerned,...
Europe has been going through its most serious crisis of values since the fall of communism. In public discourse, economic and social pressures have overshadowed the other dimensions of the crisis,...
In 1998, the Council of Europe and the European Commission decided to take common action in the field of youth. Both institutions initiated a partnership agreement with the aim "to promote active European...
These guidelines aimed at cosmetics manufacturers in order to improve safety, offer organisational and practical advice on the management of the human, technical and administrative factors affecting...
Intercultural learning has long held a central role in European youth work and policy, especially in international youth exchanges. The expectations placed on intercultural learning as a process, as an...
Two rivers, the Dordogne and the Lot, flow accros land that has know centuries of war and prosperity, struggle and calm. The region could be discovered through examining histry, but its folk-tales and...
The Council of Europe Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health aims at the criminalisation of certain activities because of the danger...
This guide, produced jointly by Amnesty International and the Council of Europe, aims at helping design policies and measures to better address female genital mutilation and to pave the way for change....
In addition to long-term demographic trends, European social security systems face new challenges as a result of increased global competition and an international banking system focused on short-term...
The work of the Council of Europe for democracy is strongly based on education: education in schools, and education as a lifelong learning process of practising democracy, such as in non-formal learning...
A Practical Guide to Train your CreativityDo you want to think of more positive and creative ways to do things?Do you want to surprise your clients?In this book, you will find twenty-six practical behaviors...
F rom new or newly confirmed talents to veteran writers such as Arjin Panjaphan, Kanokphong Songsomphan and Korn Siriwattano, thirteen of the best Thai short stories translated – for the first time ever...
One day a howler monkey opened his front door and found a baby puma on his doorstep. “His mother must have been killed by the hunters,” he said to himself, “and now the little thing is lost....
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