Voir tous les livres de Tracy Madison

Tracy Madison - Livres et biographie

Tracy Madison is an award-winning author who makes her home in Northwestern Ohio. She fills her days with love, laughter, and many cups of coffee. Her nights are often spent awake and at the keyboard, bringing her characters to life and leading them toward their well-deserved happily-ever-after.Tracy loves to hear from readers! You can reach her at tracy@tracymadison.com.

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Frissons sous la neige, Joanna SimsL’arrivée imprévue de Luke Brand au ranch familial prend Sophia au dépourvu. Bien sûr, ce moment devait arriver : elle savait que le frère jumeau de Danny, son mari disparu, finirait par venir la trouver un jour. Mais pourquoi maintenant ? Juste... Voir plus

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